Registration in the Circle RE program is required for all participants. Guests/visitors do not have to register until they have come for multiple visits, and/or are planning on returning. Because we offer the option of allowing parents to drop their child(ren) off and go to a different church during service/RE, it is critical that we have contact information and important medical information for each child in our care.
To register for the Circle RE program, download the Registration Form below (.pdf), and return it in-person to the Director of Religious Education during our RE program, or send it electronically to
Please note:
- Regular attendance at RE classes makes a big difference in a participant’s experience, growth, and connection to the community. Please try to keep your youth coming as regularly as possible.
- Photos are occasionally taken in program, and may be used on our website, Social Media and/or in brochure(s). Please note on the registration form if you do not wish to have photos of your child(ren) used.
Covid Policies
- All youth eligible for vaccines/boosters must be vaccinated/boosted and able to provide documentation
- All youth ages 2 and up must be masked during programming
- All RE staff and volunteers will be fully vaccinated/boosted and remain masked for the duration of programming
- No one except participants, parents/guardians, and RE staff/volunteers are allowed in the RE Wing at any of the Circle churches on Sundays until RE programming has ended for the day
- We will strive for outdoor programming as much as possible depending on location and weather
- Air circulation will be a priority during indoor programming