About the Circle RE Cooperative

The Member Churches of the Cooperative

The Unitarian Church of Marlboro and Hudson
80 Main St., Hudson, MA 01749

First Parish Unitarian Universalist Northboro
40 Church St., Northboro, MA 01532

The Circle’s Director

The Circle RE Cooperative is managed by Cynthia Menard, Director of Religious Education for the Unitarian Church of Marlboro & Hudson and First Parish Unitarian Universalist Northboro.

Cynthia began her work in UU Religious Education at UCMH, where she served as the Director of Lifelong Learning, overseeing public programming and youth Religious Education for three years. In 2021 she helped start up the Cooperative in response to the educational needs of these three churches, and now serves them as their Religious Education and Circle Cooperative RE Director.

Prior to coming to UU Religious Education, Cynthia worked in non-formal education for more than 20 years, teaching environmental and challenge/adventure education to groups of all ages, experiences, and abilities.  During that time, she worked as a Camp Director, Naturalist, Challenge Course Manager, Experiential Educator, Park Ranger, and Program Director.

Cynthia is a practicing Wiccan of over 30 years and finds her deepest spirituality in the natural world. She lives in northern Massachusetts with her husband, – also an educator – two sons, and a crazy Czech-bred German Shepard named Thorin. When not immersed in UU work, Cynthia reads tarot, studies Taekwondo with her youngest son, and teaches violin and fiddle.

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