The Circle RE Curriculum varies from year to year to keep content engaging and fresh; it incorporates
- Unitarian Universalist theology ideas and ideals
- Outdoor exploration
- Resiliency, developed through mindful and experiential programming
- Safe, welcoming space for all youth
- A focus on joyful, personal & spiritual exploration
Visit the 2022-23 Curriculum Page for details on what we’ll be doing this year.
Some years we feature our UU magic school curriculum, Silverthorn. You can learn more about the magical Silverthorn universe on our Silverthorn page.
With the exception of the Circle Youth Group (which meets in the afternoons from 1 – 2:30, see below), Circle RE takes place during Sunday morning worship. The Circle RE program rotates between our three Circle churches and happens on a set schedule from Sept. – June:
First Sundays at UCMH (Hudson)
Second Sundays at First Parish (Northboro)
Third Sundays at UUCSW (Westborough)
Fourth Sundays are TBD; the program topics and location will be announced at the beginning of each month.
Note: Occasional schedule changes may occur, which will be announced in the weekly newsletter. You can also visit our Schedule page or contact me by text or email if you need/want to confirm our location.
Where to Meet
All our education programs happen in the RE/Classroom wing. Nursery staff and Program Educators meet our youth in the Sanctuary every Sunday right before worship and bring the children to the classrooms after the Story for All Ages.
The Circle Youth Group is a radically-inclusive program for High School youth that runs twice a month (usually first and third Sundays) after service – from 1 – 2:30 PM. Our Youth Group is open to high school youth in all our communities (not just those in our congregations!) served by the Circle RE Program (Hudson, Marlboro, Northboro, and Westboro). Visit the Schedule page to find out when and where the Youth Group is meeting.
Every other year, our joint churches offer the Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education program to younger teens in our congregations and surrounding communities.
The OWL program offers 7th – 9th graders a safe space where they can learn and talk about sexuality education with trained facilitators. OWL incorporates:
- Accurate information presented in developmentally appropriate ways
- Affective and emotional learning
- Guiding values and principles
- Activities that help participants clarify values and improve decision-making skills
- A safe and supportive peer group
- Acceptance of diversity
- A social justice approach to inclusive sexuality education
Why should your teen participate in the OWL program?
“Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives.” –
For more information or to find out if your 7th, 8th or 9th grader is able to attend our OWL program, email the Circle Education Director at
Special Events
The Circle community often has several special events throughout the year. Past events have included:
- Movie Night
- Animal Tracking
- Youth-Led worship service
- Beach Party
- Off-site community service work
- Holiday Pageant
- Halloween Haunted House
Note: Due to the small nature of our congregations, multiple programs often occur in the same space, to help keep the community connected. Youth work on age-specific programming, even when sharing space with other age groups, except when all-ages programming is offered.